
Jackin faces since 2006

Friday, December 12, 2008

some fun wth colors

It was really slow in the park today and i had some cool ideas of color. So i drew Brian and Aaron off the top of my head. A cool little exercise.

a few drawings i did the last weeks of october

These are some of my friends from work, the top two, Elise and Diego moved to the deserts of Arizona so i thought i would do a little funny for them. Jessica was a bear for halloween which ate her, then theres Dave and Katie at the easel how they really get down to draw.

some parkness

Lately i've been working on things out side of the park which i will soon share but for now i just have some old and new park stuff and will try to keep updating if my computer stops f@#$IN UP SOOOO MUCH. Any way If you jack faces enjoy and keep Jackin faces or just be inspired and do somethin that makes you crazier or happy. Word to my peeps

Thursday, December 11, 2008