Comic Con...., An event where any artest would enjoy there time and spend some money or draw someone. I came to draw at the ncn booth where Joe Bluhm was sellin REJECTS the book, which makes this story even funnier. I had just got done drawing MR Steve Dorris which was pretty grosum. Gabe Hunt was hustlen as useul, Jessica Plummer was helpin. Steve took off and Gabe had hustled the two people you see at the top. He said come over and get drawn by this guy, itle be really funny. So Gabe gets them in the seat. I start drawing, they start talking. They were very odd people, taking pictures of people walking by talkin about how weird they are. The lady kept asking does it look like me, something i here all the time and im sure you do too if you work in a park. I hear alot of people laughing in the background as i tear it off to show them. No reaction as i handed them the picture. The guy held the picture while they both staired looking shocked. The guy quitley says "man thats really good''. His Barbie gently takes the drawing out of his hands as she gently rips the picture down the middle. Every one was laughin, then laughed even harder as well as me. As i got up and saw 7 foot Dave laughin i turned around to watch her rip the drawing into as many peaces as she could. Mumbling " fuckin asshole'' she got up walked towards me and i told her thanks for sitting as she flicked me off stormed away. The greatest reject ever, lol, the drawing sucked, real messy, but i think i got the personalitys.
Man, this is amazing!!.. amazing!!..
Glad you took the pictures before she shredded it.
Your park sketches are killer.
naw dude you did an awesome job. You gave her juicy boobies and she still had the nerve to complain.
awesome!!!!!!!!!! Jessica told me what happened- man - wish i was there !!!! you've gottn so good man!!
oh my god. that IS the best reject story ever. your work is great man, keep on keeping the bar high.
you bee sting em!
check out my new work homeboy.
It was awesome cuz she thought she looked better than she did, and you just dumped some truth in her face.
Fake boobs don'rt make you hot.
First time I've read that post. GREAT story and GREAT picture. Sounds like the guy really liked it. Shame on her.
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