Like alot of fellow caricature artist who see a awesome body posture, great face person walk around you tend to wanna get that jesture down on paper right away and see what happens. This guy i only saw for about 10 seconds and tried to remember everything about him. His kid was runnin away yet he looked determined to get some beer. He was bowy and had no shoulders but then had these huge popeye arms and a fun walk. Dan Hay does this alot as well as Philby and Oakes. It really helps loosin me up and helps my quick decisions. Good exercise.
pfffffffffffff! dem fools!
that's great, dude
thats tight. i like the faded palm tree in the back.
this is crunk junk nate!
it has a really clean look to it
you rip... dude, you should get into tattooing man. I think you'd be good at it...
im ready to rip
Nice Mr Kanoe.
I got a Mr. Canoe from Philby but mine is spelled with a "C" he must have personalized it for chua, or chris, or carrots.
I bet it was my friend!.. great work as always!..
Totally know the feelin, nice one dude.
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