
Monday, November 4, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Beasted Video
This is one of the videos I presented at this years Eurocon. It's a fun little home video about my new book BEASTED. In it, I go over a few cool neat details of the lay out and the ideas. If you are interested in buying one, please visit amazon or www.natekapnicky.com where you can also buy mini Beasted which has all different art. ''Like'' Beasted as well, where I update all my information on my next projects as well as post ideas and photos. Thanks for all your support and inspiration!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Chem trails to an end
It is truly amazing how we humans some how come together to help find solutions to big problems with different reasons for why we participate. In doing so, We see so many perspectives that give us more angles and edges on what can and will be done, leading to the best idea to solve the problem. Whether you're a sceptic or open-minded, this interview will give you a great perspective positively and spread some much needed awareness your way. For the sake of our awesome sky's and the food that we eat, I encourage you to listen to this important conversation. And by the way, chem trails are real, just do your research, go outside, look up, study all the planes you see, give it some time and see if anything makes sense
Friday, March 8, 2013
Mas life drawing
20 minute ballpoint pen study
20 minute ballpoint pen study
20 minute marker study
both 10 minute marker studies
2 minute marker studies
2 minute marker studies
2 minute marker studies
one minute marker studies
2 minute pencil studies
2 minute pencil studies
2 minute pencil studies
5 minute art stix studies
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
BEASTED Release Party!
This is from my BEASTED release party back in September 2012
What an awesome night!
Amy strikes again!!
So AWESOME! Amy Aboud owns my very first Salvador Doli printed spread, The last piece I put in BEASTED. She also contributed to my indiegogo.com/beasted campaign! You're really great Amy, thanks for all your support:)
If anyone else would like to contribute to my campaign, any amount is appreciated. Thanks!
If anyone else would like to contribute to my campaign, any amount is appreciated. Thanks!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
I just updated my Kap Art Beasted Profile on GigMasters! Check it out!: Kap Art Beasted is on GigMasters, the number one event booking service.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Please help Nate by donating to Indiegogo for a new studio to keep the BEASTED dream alive, to send an awesome energy of unique exaggerations into the light of caricature art!
Thanks for any and all support!
You are awesome!
Monday, January 14, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Amy Aboud owns a part of BEASTED!
Amy Aboud just recently purchased my original Bob Marley pecil/marker/pen caricature sketch from my new book BEASTED. Plus she got the progress spread print that goes with it, how awesome!!! It's so cool to see someone holding and owning my book let alone a piece from it. It means a lot, that piece is one of my personal favoritesAmy Aboud also own's my intro JFK quote page from BEASTED. It was in the ISCA( international society of caricature artist) awards banquet auction during an awards ceremony and she won the bid! So cool! Thanks AGain Amy!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
I recently got back into drawing on Caricaturama 3000 and got second place with this sketch of Usain Bolt. I didn't really know him and what he sounds like and what he looks like maybe because most of the time he is just a blur.... I watched many videos of him and while I watched, I absorbed. Then I sketched. I came up with some different ideas but I really just wanted a head shot, maybe with his shoulders included because they really tell more about him and make his neck and head more interesting. I then wanted to catch that thick Jamaican voice he has. A lot of times when I try and get a voice I think of how I sound, then try and match it with the sound that the subject makes. Once I figure that out, I understand my mechanics of how I make myself form into something similar as my subject to then put that into my sketch. On this one I put my chin down and lowered my Jaw to find the thick deep voice sound. All and all there are many decisions I could have done different but overall for the time I had, I'm happy with the likeness at this perspective.
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